Criminals - WashingtonSex OffenderUSA Brandon Phelps Lewis County April 26, 2015 0 0 Read Time:48 Second PHELPS, BRANDON KINGSLEY 83078 Jan 22 9:00 AM Register Arrest Date Arresting Agency Court Billing Agency Bond Type Bond Amount Warrant/Citation# Description Jan 22 9:06 AM CHEH DOC SCON Released Time Served Please call the Jail at 360-740-1344 for the correct amount. 375300 012215 OTHER AGENCY HOLD Jan 22 9:06 AM CHEH SUP LCSC Cash or Bond Please call the Jail at 360-740-1344 for the correct amount. 151000556 CHILD MOLEST 1ST Jan 22 9:06 AM CHEH SUP LCSC Included Please call the Jail at 360-740-1344 for the correct amount. 151000556 Voyeurism Jan 22 9:06 AM CHEH SUP LCSC Cash or Bond Please call the Jail at 360-740-1344 for the correct amount. 151002168 RAPE 2ND Jan 22 9:06 AM CHEH CSM CHEH Released by Court Please call the Jail at 360-740-1344 for the correct amount. CR26261 NO CONTACT/PROTECT RESTRAINT V Share Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn About Post Author TipLine Live in Seattle WA Happy 0 0 % Sad 0 0 % Excited 0 0 % Sleepy 0 0 % Angry 0 0 % Surprise 0 0 %
3/10/2015 Clark County Washington **** CLARK COUNTY JAIL INMATE ALPHA ROSTER **** **** AS OF 06:00pm ON 03/09/15 **** |CFN |  _FULL_NAME|BOOK_DATE|_CELL|RELEASE_DATE|_CHARGE1 | |77753…
Greg Allan Lauer Name Age State Sex DOB Court Offense Case ID Photo 1 GREG ALLAN LAUER WA CLARK ATTEMPTING TO ELUDE POLICE…
Tip of the day! If you’re going to engage in behavior that brings attention from law enforcement resulting in your arrest, maybe don’t have…